Recently, Freight Agency launched a fundraising campaign to help support disadvantaged communities in Ghana. With fundraising activities already underway, we wanted to congratulate our staff members Jessica, Abigail, and Luci who recently completed the 5k Colour Run in Sheffield on Saturday 3rd June. The 3 members of the team did a fantastic job and have so far raised £700 for our fundraiser on our Just Giving Page. We are so proud of Luci, Jessica and Abigail for their contribution to the cause and we look forward to future fundraising activities from Freight Agency.

The 5k Colour Run was challenging for the ladies, however each one smashed the race and certainly did a fantastic job of representing Freight Agency. To find out more about their experience, thoughts and views from the Colour Run, we asked each of them to summarise their experience. Read below;

Jessica’s experience:

“This was my first ever time running a 5K, at first it was exciting then the reality hit that I may not be fit enough to be able to do it. As soon as the decision was made to do it for our companies’ charity for the School in Ghana then the motivation sank in. I wanted to accomplish the 5K not only for myself but for all the children in Ghana who would be benefiting from the money we raise. At first, I was feeling apprehension not because the distance was intimidating, but because I was aware of my inexperience — similar to how many first-time gym-goers might feel. When I approached the start line, I already envisioned myself crossing the finish line in last place. Then doubt was starting to kick in as the race started, we kept our pace slow and steady. I feared that going too fast would leave me exhausted after the first half mile. As runners passed me, I felt defeated. Then I realised it was not a race to our group we were doing this for an amazing cause which pushed and motivated me through. Even more, I felt achy and overheated — like a true rookie, we started the race after doing minimal stretches and warmups, we will learn from this for next time, preparation and organisation is key.

All these negative emotions faded and then it hit me — the great thing about running a 5K and competing in general is that everyone wins. Whether you come in second place or 60th, you finished and that’s something to celebrate. When I realized my goal was simply to prove to myself that I could finish, I found myself enjoying the run a lot more.

I am so proud of our group; I hope each of my team feels a great sense of accomplishment. I am extremely looking forward to our next one.”

Abigail’s experience:

“On a beautiful scorcher of a Saturday, myself and my colleagues Lucy and Jess completed our eagerly anticipated 5K run for charity.

We embarked on our journey early Saturday morning, carpooling to Sheffield with Lucy as our designated driver. The mood was filled with excitement laced with nerves, as the three of us are not exactly world class sprinters!

Upon arrival we were greeted with crowds of colour, we received our complimentary white t-shirt and stocked up on colour-powder sachets. It didn’t take long for the colours to be flying through the air, as we laughed and danced throughout our warmup. 

The 5K included running alongside a beautiful lake, as well as multiple obstacles along the way, with various colours of paint being thrown our direction throughout. The finishing line came in the format of a steep scramble followed by a huge inflatable slide.

The ladies I participated with did incredibly and I enjoyed every second of it, even the running! I personally feel very proud to have achieved such a feat, and I know we are all very proud to have raised money for Flagstaff House school in Ghana.”

Luci’s experience:

So this was my first 5K Run. Was a little nervous at first but then when we arrived and got in our FAL / Ghana partnership t-shirts – I was ready for the off. I was super excited to be taking part in such a good cause and knowing It will be good for myself too, doing this run.

It did look pretty daunting when looking across the lake at the course we were about to run but we then got our colour packs, saw the crowd and heard the music which we then felt in place and did our warmup alongside all the other participants. Once we were coated in colour, we were ready to set off. After the first obstacle we were all fine and laughing having fun while raising money for the children. I don’t think any of us could have been happier in the moment. We had lots of laughs, lots of jumping on the obstacles and one heck of a lot of colours thrown over us on the way.

It has definitely given me inspiration to do many more of these runs or such like events to help raise more money and get our name out there as much as we can.

The weather was fabulous, and the girls were amazing! I am very proud of them all for participating in the event alongside me, the motivation of all the girls was amazing and the commitment to the cause couldn’t have been higher.

I am also extremely proud of everyone who has donated and supported us.”

Freight Agency have many more activities planned for the upcoming months, to enable us to reach our goal and raise enough funds to donate supplies to our chosen school in Ghana – Flagstaff House Basic School. We would appreciate any donations on our Just Giving Page and follow us on social media to stay up to date with our fundraising campaign. 

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